
”Musica Leggera” mit Franco Supino

”Musica Leggera” mit Franco Supino 1903 668 Sintagma | Create. Communicate. Inspire.

Als ich angehende Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaftlerin an meiner Dissertation über das Reisen als Identitätssuche (Universität Florenz) arbeitete, lernte ich den jungen Autor Franco Supino im Rahmen seiner Lesung in Aarburg…

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Of Heros, Super Power and… Passion

Of Heros, Super Power and… Passion 1024 768 Sintagma | Create. Communicate. Inspire.

This picture spurred my thinking about a scientific research paper I wrote some time back. Although I’m a bit older (and maybe a bit wiser) than I was back then,…

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Indipendenza femminile :: 8 marzo

Indipendenza femminile :: 8 marzo 945 650 Sintagma | Create. Communicate. Inspire.

Svizzera | Marzo 2018 – di Angela Maria Carlucci :: La ricorrenza della festa della donna celebrata oggi in tutto il mondo fa riemergere un argomento al quanto triste: la…

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Individuare la discriminazione. Io non discrimino…vero?

Individuare la discriminazione. Io non discrimino…vero? 960 345 Sintagma | Create. Communicate. Inspire.

Esistono leggi che vietano la discriminazione, le molestie e la vittimizzazione dei dipendenti fondate su origine razziale o etnica, handicap, età, orientamento sessuale, religione o credo. Tutte le organizzazioni devono…

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A Practice For When You Find Yourself Annoyed by Other People

A Practice For When You Find Yourself Annoyed by Other People 2560 1440 Sintagma | Create. Communicate. Inspire.

It’s a common thing to be frequently annoyed by other people — added to our regular interactions with family, friends and coworkers are the online habits of people on various…

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Mindful Moments In Our Busy Life

Mindful Moments In Our Busy Life 1080 720 Sintagma | Create. Communicate. Inspire.

I’ve been visited by a few ladybugs these days. Beautiful creatures instilling joy. The Ladybug wears no disguises. She is just what she advertises. They simply are. Silently stay for…

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Il festival cinematografico di Soletta si apre con un’opera sul suffragio femminile

Il festival cinematografico di Soletta si apre con un’opera sul suffragio femminile 1080 720 Sintagma | Create. Communicate. Inspire.

Su il sipario a Soletta – Otto giorni a tutto cinema: 179 i film con un programma incentrato sul tema “viaggi lontano dal paese”. La 52ma edizione delle Giornate cinematografiche…

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The Solothurn film festival opens with a cinematic work on women’s voting

The Solothurn film festival opens with a cinematic work on women’s voting 1080 720 Sintagma | Create. Communicate. Inspire.

Curtain up in Solothurn – Eight days of cinema: 179 films with a program focused on “travels away from the country”. The 52nd Solothurn film festival opens with Die göttliche…

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An Empty Boat On A Foggy Lake

An Empty Boat On A Foggy Lake 1024 611 Sintagma | Create. Communicate. Inspire.

The Buddhist concept of “empty boats” There is a Zen story about a man who repaints his boat. Once it’s done, he’s so pleased with how it looks that he…

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Magazine cover photo credits: Krijn van Noordwijk :: Background photo credits: Koen Peters

ADE Festival – Electronic Music and Female Rhythms

ADE Festival – Electronic Music and Female Rhythms 1033 640 Sintagma | Create. Communicate. Inspire.

Magazine cover photo credits: Krijn van Noordwijk :: Background photo credits: Koen Peters Amsterdam becomes the center of the global dance music for 5 days (This is the English summary…

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